A Stradivarius pulls the strings of my heart in search of the cross and the ring
I was greatly encouraged when I heard of the elation Min-Jin Kym felt when her Antonio Stradivarius violin was recovered this week , three years after it had been stolen from her side in a London railway station. The violin was worth £1.2 million. Min-Jin Kym the musician and owner spoke of the loss and the acute responsibility she felt and how the incident was never far from her mind. She also spoke of her elation when her violin was returned.
I must admit I could identify with her torment having had the moderatorial cross and ring stolen earlier on this year. This story has renewed my faith. Perhaps the cross and ring will be returned. Let's keep praying!
Just as the violin was valuable but impossible to sell so is the Moderratortial cross and ring. I've decided I'm still looking for a miracle. If a stolen violin can turn up again and be returned to it rightful owner so can the cross. And I've not forgotten, we'll have a party and everyone is invited. So help me find the ring.
Posted By: h On: 2 Aug 2013 At: 8:12am
Being one who tries to make melodious music from my old fiddle - I loved your story..and, miracles do sometimes happen usually when you least expect them too…so will keep hoping ..praying and you never know…..