24Hour Prayer Vigil


Here I am it's 1.45am in the morning and I'm taking part in the 24 hour prayer vigil here in the church. Already we've had a constant stream of people coming to pray. Some people might think it strange that people want to pray yet the truth is that more people pray than ever go regularly to church. There is an element of longing for more in all our souls whether we're paid up believers or not. There are a number of quite outstanding opportunities to stimulate our minds to think about the meaning of Christmas. The Labyrinth is really quite wonderful. If you have some time try and visit us here in person and go through the labyrinth experience. If you can't log on to www.standonline.org.uk click on the green live video button that is along the top of the web page. It will take you to the church where the labyrinth is been streamed out live. You can chat with others on line and make your prayer requests. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adCu7Yh1Ldk&list=UUEP7RyXysg0pfAPVXtCEjnA&index=1&feature=plcp[/youtube] I found the content of he Labyrinth quite challenging and inspirational. You are invited to think what it might be like if God were to ask you to go on a journey. A bit like the wiseman. They had to prepare for the journey. They had to step out in faith. They were reading the signs. So what are the signs that God is giving to you to convince you to make your journey.

Posted By: h   On: 27 Dec 2011   At: 3:58pm

Dear Albert, family @ friends

Thank-you for the lovely Prayer Labryinth.

I managed to log in a few times on Christmas Eve.

Amidst the music, words and stillness were magical moments expressing what Christmas is all about… the love that came to eart and the promise that this love is with us always and forever.



Posted By: Helmut   On: 25 Dec 2011   At: 6:24pm

Albert, it was just great! Many thanks to all the volunteer helpers who made this experience possible. Once again I felt very much at home.

Also, thank you very much for the streamed watchnight service!

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