2 Nov 2010 comments:
I've started writing up my experience of the Lausanne Congress. The theme of the congress was " God in Christ reconciling the world to himself " this text is found in 2 Corinthians 5.19 . Its an amazing text for it gives us a great hint about the nature of God.
God is in the business of reconciling, he is the great cosmic peacemaker. Yet so often religion is blamed for the cause of so much war and violence. The truth is God is able to do what none of us can do...
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26 Oct 2010 comments:
I guess I've been asking the question when does a Missiology become an effective Movement? How do you bring about a tipping point? Looking around the collection of people here at Cape Town I found myself short of answers but with many questions. However if you get to the end of this post you may find me in a more positive state of mind. The Third Lausanne Congress came to an end with an amazing Communion Service involving over 190 nations. The music was spectacular...
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22 Oct 2010 comments:
Today we were given a research document that outlines the number of people groups in the world who have never heard the Gospel. Many of these groups don't have a language that has been written down. In other words people of an oral tradition.
This means that although we as Christians emphasise the importance of everyone having the Scriptures in their hands it means for these people to understand they need to be engaged by people who understand the oral tradition....
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20 Oct 2010 comments:
It's really quite frustrating to be here at the Lausanne Congress. It is almost impossible to get on to the Internet. I think that they must have not fully appreciated the demand that participants would make on the wifi.
I made a post yesterday but when I tried to post it the system crashed. So here I go again.
The theme that was being developed yesterday was the question that Pilate asked 'What is truth?' flowing from this was the question, how should we Christians...
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17 Oct 2010 comments:
It was a brilliant day the sun was shining and there was a refreshing breeze blowing in from the Atlantic. I was glad we had gone through the registration for the conference the previous day. The centre looks fantastic and the staff couldn't have been more helpful, but I must confess I'm already feeling hemmed in even perhaps imprisoned at the thought of 6 days in a conference centre. I'm not looking forward to fighting my way through 5000 people to get my daily packed...
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