Jubilee Hope Finally in Lake Victoria

posted: 5 Sep 2014 comments: 0category:

Here's an update on the Jubilee Hope adventure across Africa. At last the ship is in Lake Victoria. It was launched into the lake last Saturday. Jubilations all round! this has been quite an undertaking. As chairman of te Vine Trust our board owe a debt of gratitude to a wide range of people. the truth is if we were to list them all it would run into literally hundreds of names. We've had amazing support for this project fro  the civic community the corporate world, the...
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God’s Fleet

posted: 20 Aug 2014 comments: 0category:

I spent most of the morning on my knees picking weeds out of the gravel in my driveway.  I always feel there is something therapeutic about weeding. Its like the prayers of confession. IWe ask God to pick the weeds  of sin out of your life.   And often in prayer God  forces us metaphorically and sometime physically to be on our knees sorting out the mess we've made on the path of life.  Of course you have to get yourself into the frame of mind to do it the weeding and...
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Jubilee Hope Causes a Traffic Jam

posted: 15 Aug 2014 comments: 0category:

It seems a long time since Jubilee Hope left the Clyde on the 22nd January 2014  to set sail on the first leg of her journey to Mombasa in Kenya.  A lot of hard work and preparation has gone into making the ship ready for its long voyage of over 8,500 miles.  I remember going to look at the ship  before we bought it when it was the Dunster I think it was at Goole in 2010. I was commissioned to take pictures. I remember rowing around the ship in a rubber dingy taking...
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Are we fulfilling what God has called us to do?

posted: 19 Mar 2013 comments: 0category:

So it's back on the road again heading for Westminster Abbey for a service of thanksgiving for the life of David Livingstone. The last two days have been busy meeting and greeting the Malawian Delegation including the President Dr Joyce Banda. They have made this special trip as a pilgrimage to remember the contribution that Livingstone made to the abolition of slavery. Sunday saw a packed church at Blantyre the birthplace of Livingstone. I was encouraged by the...
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Find ways to connect with Peru’s growing economy

posted: 15 Jan 2013 comments: 9category:

It's nine o'clock in the morning as I wind my way  though the secluded neighbourhood of Miraflores. It's mid-summer here in Lima. Flowers blossom on the trees that line the sidewalk. I'm heading towards Wong's to meet Willie at Starbucks. I pass by the big Anglican church in the corner. I recall nearly forty years ago Tony Dines, the minister of St Silas asking me to pray for him. He had been invited to consider moving to Lima to pastor a church. I remember thinking...
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