10 Dec 2012 comments:
Its late Sunday afternoon we've had the family for lunch and managed to erect the Christmas tree. We still like to have our family round to help decorate the tree. Its a great time of laughter and fun and hilarity. It doesn't matter how old your children are they're all kids at heart. Today the big hunt was on for the angel with the punk rock hairstyle. Yes we normally have an angel on the tree with a punk rock haircut. I don't think I've ever noticed before but...
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4 Dec 2012 comments:
I'm hoping to encourage ministers all round the country to start wearing their clerical collars during the weeks running up to Christmas. I believe that the clerical collar gives all of us who are ministers of Word and Sacrament an opportunity to bring faith into the market place.
Over the years I've discovered that many opportunities arise allowing me to speak to people informally on the street about Christ because I'm wearing a collar. So I'm inviting my fellow...
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9 Jul 2012 comments:
Let me continue with last week's story this week. Hopefully, I'll catch up with the rest of this week in a day or two. You can imagine that there is a tremendous amount of planning that goes into a Royal Service at the Cathedral. I must pay tribute to all the people who participated from the police to the Cathedral staff. Bill Shedden the Cathedral Beadle was particularly helpful to me on the day. We got on well especially, when we discovered we had lived around the...
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24 Dec 2011 comments:
Here I am it's 1.45am in the morning and I'm taking part in the 24 hour prayer vigil here in the church. Already we've had a constant stream of people coming to pray. Some people might think it strange that people want to pray yet the truth is that more people pray than ever go regularly to church. There is an element of longing for more in all our souls whether we're paid up believers or not.
There are a number of quite outstanding opportunities to stimulate our...
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14 Dec 2010 comments:
Will you spare a thought and perhaps a prayer for all those who suffer in silence this Christmas. We've set aside one of the transepts in the church this year to highlight the work of Amnesty International. We would like to invite people to drop in and pray for prisoners of conscience. A few years ago we made this little mediation. I think it is still very relevant. The music was composed by Colin Jamieson copies of this can be purchased through Sanctus...
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