40 Day Challenge Bigins- Read all about it!

img_07071 Well can you believe it today is the first day of the D40 Challenge. This is a Discipleship Challenge which will last for 40 days. Each day those participating will receive a text on their mobile which will contain a practical challenge. During this time we will discover many truths about ourselves and I hope that we will all find ourselves closer to God. One other thing where possible the challenge will have its thinking based around biblical idea. So you might even get a text reference beside te challenge. We're staring off with an easy one. To get started and to keep going it is a good thing to tell someone what your going to be doing. You actually might require their help to carry out the challenges. So its maybe a good thing to let some of your friends know. Even better be inclusive. Don't just tell people you think will give you an easy time. Tell someone you know who is a bit skeptical about your faith. Ah I think peter advises us to do something like this. Check out 1Peter 3.15. Have a great time walking through the "Challenge" please remember I posted this article so that we an hear from each other over the next 40 days.

Posted By: Helmut   On: 6 May 2009   At: 4:02pm

Only that cuts me out of the circle… Please keep up alternative transmission paths. I usually do not have (my wife’s)  mobile available, and even if the service worked outwith the UK, cost would be prohibitive, I should think.

Therefore, please offer emailing as well - mind you, I am not asking for faxing, letters, or drums, messenger pigeons…


Posted By: italker   On: 5 May 2009   At: 1:32pm

Hi Duncan

Thanks for you comment.


The reason why we are using the text format is that research shows it has an instant personal delivery effect on those who receive it. We also noticed that people loved receiving the lenten texts on their mobiles. Not everyone has instant access to a computer in the morning. There are more mobiles to hand than computers. We are also seeking to develop more uses for mobile technology to support discipleship.


Posted By: italker   On: 5 May 2009   At: 1:31pm

The reason why we are using the text format is that research shows it has an instant personal delivery effect on those who receive it. We also noticed that people loved receiving the lenten texts on their mobiles. Not everyone has instant access to a computer in the morning. There are more mobiles to hand than computers. We are also seeking to develop more uses for mobile technology to support discipleship.


Posted By: duncan   On: 5 May 2009   At: 1:05pm

why don’t you send the challenges by email to save the telephone costs?

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