Yesterday we were all awakened to the sad news that David Bowie had died. Over four million tweets... read more
Just a note to thank all the people who have contributed to our appeal to help "Bounce Higher" At... read more
It's always a challenge to keep projects going. So often funders are looking for programmes and... read more
Posted By: Helmut On: 10 May 2012 At: 6:28am
In Germany, when we were very young, there was Gotthilf Fischer (“God is helping the fisherman”) with his famous Fischer Choirs. He was famous for making anybody present sing within seconds. Sometimes it was a mixed blessing, but he certainly was producing fellowship.öre
So go ahead! The obvious venue: Inchcolm Abbey, it would look just great, if only you could hear a thing there….
Posted By: Mike Munro On: 12 May 2012 At: 10:31pm
What an amazing sound 10,000 voices would make, and how about the Castle Esplanade for a venue, singing over Edinburgh.
Hope we get a taster with 5,000 singing along with Robin Mark at Heart and Soul.