A Field of Miracles

I can never forget the picture that I saw on a Mega Church wall on one of my visits to the United States. It simply read " You Build It : They Will Come." Underneath was a picture of Noah waiting for the animals to arrive. It has stayed in my mind because I fear that too often we church leaders all play safe. We want the people to come to whatever we're building before we've built the Ark. However we know it doesn't work like that . People only come when they know there is a place for them. The quote of course comes from the film 'Field of Dreams'. Why am I thinking about all this ? Well yesterday I visited the 'Field of Miracles'. This is the name of the site on which the Leaning Tower of Pisa is built. There is great controversy about the tower. Architects and historians have been debating the issues surrounding the leaning tower for centuries. Some have argued that it is folly. A tower built without counting the cost. Others of-course take another view all together. They argue that the clue is to be found in the name "Field of Miracles" On this site all three buildings are leaning one way or another to a lesser or greater degree, so perhaps the architects were saying something about perpendicular buildings? They argue this was all intentional. No medieval mason would have continued building a slanting tower unless he was making a point. They continue to argue this is more than a site showing off the cleverness of human ingenuity. It is seeking to point the human mind to the God who can do things off the wall - the God of miracles. Could the architect be saying here is a kind if miracle - a tower leaning some 17 degrees yet still standing. Like the God who says here is a 'burning bush still burning' The thing is believers and non believers all come. They come from all over to see something different. To see a folly but perhaps to return home believing a miracle! I guess the builder would identify with the quote. ' You build it; they will come. Yes they still come after 700 or 800 years. So do they come to see a folly to look at an architects mistaken enthusiasm or do they come to wonder? Could it be the same intrigue that continues to attract men and woman to Jesus Christ? Is he the folly or is he more? Is it not that he refuses to conform to what we think God should be. He offers an alternative narrative to life. He says "try to keep it - you lose it. If your prepared to lose it you find it. Do the unthinkable therein lies the miracle. It's interesting why people come to look on the folly of the cross to wonder at the point of such amazingI can never forget the picture that I saw on a Mega Church wall on one of my visits to the United States. It simply read " You Build It : They Will Come." Underneath was a picture of Noah waiting for he animals to arrive. It has stayed in my mind because I fear that too often we all play safe we want the people to come to whatever, before we've built the Ark. However we know it doesn't work like that . People only come when they know there is a place for them. The quote of course comes from the film 'Field of Dreams' Why am I thinking about all this well yesterday I visited the 'Field of Miracles'. This is the site on which the Leaning Tower of Pisa is built. There is great controversy about the tower. Architects and historians have been debating the issues surrounding the leaning tower. Some have argued that it is folly. A tower built without counting the cost. Others of-course take another view all together. They argue that the clue is to be found in the name if the field on which all three buildings are leaning p one way or another to a lesser or greater extent. They argue this was all intentional. No medieval mason would have continued building a slanting tower unless he was making a point. Come here is a miracle a tower leaning some 17 degrees yet still standing. It's a miracle and they come from all over to see something different . To see a folly but perhaps to return home believing a miracle. I guess the builder would identify with the quote. ' You build it; they will come. Yes they still come after 700 or 800 years. It's interesting why people come to look on the folly of the cross ? In the Kelvin Hall Glasgow the most viewed exhibit is Salvador Dali's St John if the Cross. It has been reviled even slashed yet many return believing the miracle. God has redeemed a lost world and in Christ he has reached out to touch people like you and me. There is a distinct history in belief being connected with follies. The Pisa Tower shed light on another meaning of miracle for me. There is a distinct history in belief being connected with follies. The Pisa Tower shed s light on another meaning of miracle for me.
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