Yesterday we were all awakened to the sad news that David Bowie had died. Over four million tweets... read more
Just a note to thank all the people who have contributed to our appeal to help "Bounce Higher" At... read more
It's always a challenge to keep projects going. So often funders are looking for programmes and... read more
Posted By: iTalker On: 28 Nov 2008 At: 12:55pm
The iphone doesn’t do video. Thanks for your concern but its pretty safer up the tower.
Posted By: Hazel On: 28 Nov 2008 At: 9:34am
on a practical note - can your phone take video, then you can extract a frame you like and use as a still? Works on my camera, but know nothing about iPhones. Hope you’re not endangering yourself up all these high places?
Posted By: Margaret Young On: 29 Nov 2008 At: 9:12pm
I have been thinking today about those individuals who have been at church for the Holy Spirit session as their ALPHA draws to a close. This has caused me to reflect on my own ALPHA which I attended in 1994 also my late husbands also that year. I looked out my husband’s journal with the entry following his Holy Spirit encounter at Carbery and once again was deeply moved and overwhelmed by the beautifully written words which in my opinion could only have been written following an experience with the living God. For some of us, we want to shout it from the rooftops when first we encounter the Holy Spirit whilst for others the experience is cherished quietly within. Whichever one, the inner transformation is the awesome outcome. As I enter this comment, I pray for those who attended today, that they too, will have encountered perhaps some for the first time and others afresh, the promise of the Holy Spirit, but, more than that, they will determine to go deeper with God spending time with Him in prayer and in studying His Word, the Bible. As our very dear friend Sister Anna Donaldson (who to my knowledge has attended and supported our minister on every Alpha course since it’s inception in March 1994) “it’s better felt then telt”. Amen Anna