A Golden Moment

Albert and Marcus in plane Well the phone rang, it was 8.30 am in the morning. When the phone rings in the manse at that time it is usually the undertaker. Surprise! It wasn't. It was Marcus. "How'd you like come flying with me this morning?" I looked in the diary it was free, I said yes, and before long I was air born. I enjoyed a great morning flying around central Scotland. It was interesting seeing Marcus the pilot check out his aircraft. he had his flight map laid out in detail. We were intending to go to Loch Lomond, but when we got up in the air the weather conditions forced us to change course, and we ended up flying over Perth. imga1681.jpg Got me thinking. Life is a bit like that, we make our plans to do this and that, but there are things in life that we cannot control. We could have pushed forward and tried to get through the cloud and ended up in danger. Instead we took an alternative course and sat back and enjoyed the view. So what am I saying, I suppose I'm saying sometimes the alternative plans can be equally good if we are prepared to give them a chance. Maybe golden moments don't just happen maybe we help make them happen.Certainly my view of the world was changed in one golden moment this morning. We ended up flying over Jonathan's pad. I guess he will be interested in seeing what his flat looks like from the sky. jonflat1.jpg
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