A Poor Woman in the Right Space

I was thinking we all make excuses. We often use our vulnerable sides as an excuse>It stops us dealng with issues. I was thinking about story Jesus told about the woman who put twopence into the offering. I started to thinkk maybe she was hiding behind her poverty. Allowing it to imprison her free spirit. Too oftrn ot suits us to say we can't do something even when we know we can't and we're oftrn quite relieved. It's strange isn't it? We all do it. We make excuses I mean we use our Perceived weakness Like a barrier to keep people out. To hide from ourselves. We use the things the feelings the attitudes we have inherited to define us. Then we say Sorry I can't I'm hopeless I'm different from you I'm not educated I'm poor I ‘m schizophrenic I'm homosexual I'm single I'm married I'm just a partner I'm working I'm tired I'm not in charge I'd love to but .. I can't Its strange isn't it Something Clicks and you Simply change You do something You go out on a limb You make a promise You give something away That's what I did I literally gave my poverty away I opened my purse I gave all I possessed to God I can still hear it clinking in the box Two little pennies I had no more excuses left I gave my weakness away I walked through A cross spaced shape Into freedom. img_06551
1 Comment

Posted By: Jenn   On: 1 May 2009   At: 1:49pm

what happened to the dicipleship challenge?i was wanting to print a copy?thanks

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