A Prayer For the New Year
May the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Protector and guardian of our hearts
Turn gently the handle of our lives today
For we are more fearful than we pretend
You who open the gate on each new year
Come and walk with us
Guide and protect us from all danger
Inspire us to think and understand in a new way
Teach us about the mystery of faith
Give to each of us the courage
To walk into the unknown
Believing you walk before us
Open our minds to think and understand
The meaning of a new birth
A new equation
A re-born perspective
One that offers a solution beyond our math
God of three in One
God of faith hope and love.
Multiply our expectation
Give us the faith
To say 1x1x1 = 1
Father,Son and Holy Spirit
Teach us to count a different way
To live and die a different way
Teach us to PRAY
With expectation for all in need.