Alpha and Forgivenesss

We had our second 'Alpha Night' at the Inchyra last night. There was a good mix of people from different backgrounds and I'm sure its going to be once again an interesting life changing experience for a number of people. Our theme last night asked the question" Why did Jesus die?" It is an opportunity to talk about the central theme of Christianity namely, "Forgiveness" it seems to me that this is one of the central issues that faces all of humanity. All over the world people are looking for ways and means where by they can forgive. Last night I tried to explain the classic Christian doctrine of Justification. I also tried to explain the fact that the cross of Christ is like a diamond it has many sides to it and each side has an explanation that seeks to illuminate our hearts and our minds to the nature and power of the love of God. One thing is for certain the cross of Christ has much to say to people who feel they are carrying sacks of guilt about with them. The cross is where God in Christ took upon himself our sinful humanity and became sin for us so that we might feel free from the consequences of our actions. A few years ago we filmed the above clip as part of our TGI Sunday Service in may ways it is another facet of the cross and it is a diamond worth reflecting upon. I think the idea that total forgiveness invites us to let go of the things or the feelings that have hurt and abused us and then asks that we might never speak about it again is all about forgiving and forgetting. Finally receiving the grace to remember to pray a blessing for those who have wronged you is the ultimate sign of forgiveness. These three steps hopefully will be purued our various Alpha Groups. So what do you think of the idea of forgiveness?
1 Comment

Posted By: michelle   On: 20 Sep 2008   At: 9:15pm

forgiveness just goes against all my natural reactions and it’s painful! i got a lot from the night - that we have all come short in gods eyes but that we can all receive grace, that you can’t earn it but you can get it even though you don’t deserve it, that how much i forgive is linked to how much forgiveness i receive.  enjoyed the evening looking forward to next week

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