Bogle Band Vine Trust And Waverley

Well can you believe it the Bogle Band is out on he road for the second time this Summer. Carberry Featival last month and " Doon the Watter" this month. Tomorrow evening Iain and I will be performing on the world famous Waverley Paddle Steamer. Have a look at the picture above. She really is a bonnie boat. Anyway all the money being raised tomorrow will go to the work of the Vine Trust. Keeping close to the Vine is a good thing. You know, our motto is " Connecting People to Change Lives" However for me there is a wee sermon in that phrase, it is really all about connect people to the VINE to change lives. What we are really saying is, when people get connected to Jesus their lives are changed. I never cease to be amazed at the number of people outside of the church who have drawn alongside us to help us fulfill our purposes. I convinced that God sends them our way. Tomorrow night is no exception. What a wonderful step of faith one guy thought to himself. I could rent the Waverely for an evening and raise money for ssomeof the poorest children in the world. Guess what? He took the risk hired the boat, and believe it on not he has sold his 650 tickets. Not bad for someone just thinking up an idea. Makes you think. Just think Lilias our Youth Worker last year promised to take some of her teenagers to India, and guess what ? Yes she did it, well worth reading their blog. Go to India
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