Could Woolies Open Again ?

woolies-bonessMy moble rang- the voice on the other end of the phone was inquiring if I still had a use for the empty Woolwoth store in Bo'ness. I had left a note of interest in the property about five weeks ago. To be perfectly honest I had moved on from the idea and I was preparing for Christmas without Woolworth. Having received the call the question now running through my mind was could we put together a Christmas use for the store in such a short time? After the meeting tonight it looks as though we might have a plan. I'll keep you all informed of how our plans are proceeding.
1 Comment

Posted By: jackie   On: 3 Dec 2009   At: 8:12pm

“Thats the wonder of woolies…

thats the wonder of good old woolworths.”

“Thats the wonder of Christ….

thats the wonder of good old



oor Bo’ness slogan….......

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