Doughnuts at Church? It went down a Treat!

Well the doughnuts seemed to go down well, as did the morning coffee before church. I do believe there is something in eating and drinking together that releases a feeling of friendship and acceptance. There was a great feeling in church this morning. Maybe it was all the worhippers getting their sugar rush. I do know that a number of people spoke to me about their coffee as they came in. It seemed to be just what they needed. Church has to become more than simply a place to meet on a Sunday. Church has to be understood in terms of  people who are on a journey with Jesus. We need to be able to make space in the group for others to journey with us , so that they too can  encounter the presence and power of Christ. I think the opportunity hat the small groups offer around the tables on a Sunday night has quite a lot to commend it. If you were at church tonight what did you think? This week w=ill see us beginning to make the final preparations for Holy Week and Easter and I hope we at Sanctus Media will finish our latest commission this week. Its a new promotional video for the Vine Trust. Anyway I'll value your prayers as i begin to prepare for my forth coming visit to Peru near the end of the month.

Posted By: Anon   On: 17 Mar 2009   At: 8:34pm

Certainly enjoyed the tea and doughnuts on Sunday morning and I think a rota for buying the doughnuts a great idea.


Posted By: rae   On: 16 Mar 2009   At: 9:28pm

I thought that the cafe church in the evening was great.  It was so informal and I felt at ease.  I loved talking round the table and having a discussion and laugh with everyone. No one wanted to leave, God was there and we could feel it.  It was amazing.

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