Everyday is Easter

Easter is still ringing in my ears I can still hear the words Halle, halle, halle, running through my head and its now Tuesday. What a great service we had ob Sunday why not check it out . It was great to see the church packed and everyone participating. I'm always indebted to the people who go out of their way to make easter such a special time. This year was no exception. So thank you all you great people who gave so much over the past few days from film making to floral art to arranging and re-arranging the church, preparing communion , and overing hospitality to those who attended worship. Then there was the musicians and the team that welcomed folks to all the services. I think this picture of the cross outside the church on Easter Monday sums it all up. We are surely living stones being built up into a temple not made with hands but a temple that is actively serving and worshipping God in all our daily activities and actions. This means that everyday become an easter day as we celebrate the living power of the resurrection as a daily experience
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