When the Special Commission was writing the CWW Report in 2001 we thought about submitting a report to the General consisting of the following four words, Jesus said, follow me! dsc00515.jpg Follow Me! You said. It was more than words, I thought. If your leaving on a jet I could be tempted! How I wish You did call me to follow. Just to be going somewhere. To be leaving. To be getting ready. To be packing a suit case. To be packing a bag. The only packing I do is at Tesco. O God I hate shopping! But I need to move on. Change my life. Change my job. Change the way I think! Moving means leaving. Leaving means making choices. What do I take with me? What do I leave behind? I've so much "stuff" Not just stuff, but the kind of stuff that clings on to you weighs you down Makes you who you are? Its stuff you can't leave behind. What would I do with ‘me' If I left it all behind? It's not just things It's people Ideas Beliefs Attitudes Relationships. Just say I was to go Get up leave everything. Beliefs Theology all that I struggle with in life in religion -in politics What would I need to take with me? What is it that I can't really leave behind? The Word of Life a map for living The Bread of life food for the soul The wine of life renewing my spirit The water of life refreshing the mind
1 Comment

Posted By: Hamish (Larbert)   On: 21 Apr 2008   At: 4:54pm

Albert, I pray that this will be a great weekend and looking forward to it having enjoyed Spring Harvest in past years. Great speakers and worship leaders - every blessing!

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