From Bo'ness to Tanzania to Peru

I had an interesting day today. I spent most of the morning writing and preparing material for the worship the General Assembly. This afternoon I took dorm of the ladies who working in branches through to the Barge in Leith to let them see how the Trust is making use of this magnificent facility. We had a great time and it was such an encouragement to the ladies to hear how they have been part of the story of the Vine Trust and how their contribution through branches continues to be valued. [youtube][/youtube] We then took the opportunity to show the ladies our latest video promoting our latest appeal. Have a look at the video its worth watching. It is really quite unbelievable what God has achieved through the work of this little shop in Bo'ness. So the encouragement is don't give up on your small projects in God's hands anything can happen.

Posted By: h   On: 17 Mar 2012   At: 7:45am

Thank-you for the wee video.

I think it is amazing that from such small beginnings the Vine Trust has expanded globally into adventures of such love and hope.. and, I know, will do so for many years to come.


Posted By: Raj India   On: 15 Mar 2012   At: 12:48pm

Great work dear ones ! 

As one lamp lights the other, nobleness enkindleth nobleness !


God bless your hearts !!

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