Yesterday we were all awakened to the sad news that David Bowie had died. Over four million tweets... read more
Just a note to thank all the people who have contributed to our appeal to help "Bounce Higher" At... read more
It's always a challenge to keep projects going. So often funders are looking for programmes and... read more
Posted By: Raj India On: 15 Mar 2012 At: 12:48pm
Great work dear ones !
As one lamp lights the other, nobleness enkindleth nobleness !
God bless your hearts !!
Posted By: h On: 17 Mar 2012 At: 7:45am
Thank-you for the wee video.
I think it is amazing that from such small beginnings the Vine Trust has expanded globally into adventures of such love and hope.. and, I know, will do so for many years to come.