Getting Connected

Sunday coming is "Discipleship Sunday" just hope that the icy weather doesn't prevent people from coming to church on Sunday morning. The Kirk Session are encouraging everyone in the congregation to "Get Connected" The idea is members of the congregation be encouraged to join a group that has a special interest for them. For example young mothers and fathers might get together to form a groups to look at how we nurture faith in the young. There might be an interest for groups of men to get together to maybe just hang out together or go to a football match or think about studying the bible together. We might even set up an internet study group using Skype. After the service on Sunday we're going to have a lunch in the hall with bread and soup. So we hope that a good number of people will stay behind and help us begin to form some of these groups. The Discipleship Group are trying to find a way to engage every body and every age group in the congregation to be nurtured in their Christian life. Small groups have been one of the most successful ways in which people can be nurtured and rooted in their faith. If we could start thinking about church outside of the church walls we might begin to understand that real church is not something you go to. It is something you live out. In doing so you create community that is centred around the life and teaching of Jesus. we need to constantly remind ourselves thatthe majority of Jesus' ministry took place in the open air. It took place amidst th cut and the thrust of everyday life. I think this is the challneg for all of us that we being to develop community by allowing the small group to create the cell of community that links us into a much larger and effective community of change in the world. The theme we've chosen for the congrrgation this year is centred around Colossian 2.6,7 as printed in the motto card for this year. Its about encouragig all of us to grow up into the mature people God is calling us all to become. I'm hoping that we might see some really adventurous ideas develop around the small groups. Already we've had the suggestion that we call these groups " Connect Groups" I'm wondering if there wold be an interest in running a lunch time group in Edinburgh and Glasgow or even Falkirk or Stirling for people who work in these places. We could meet in a Starbucks for fellowship and say a bible reading. Anyway let me know what you think. Better still see you on Sunday.
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