Glasgow Council and the Cross of Christ

Here I am back again after my unfortunate accident. I'm still not right yet. The arm is in a sling but I think I can make this post. Well a lot has happened to me since we last talked. However I'll tell you about my adventures in due course. What I want to blog about today is the news that Glasgow Council are standing up for the Cross of Christ. Amazing isn't it! Yes they hold the copyright for Salvador Dali's famous painting "St John of the Cross". Anyone who tries to reproduce it without permission may find themselves prosecuted. They've employed a company of solicitors to trail the internet to catch potential abusers All this got me thinking, isn't there something hypocritical about our PC world. Jesus and his cross only has value, as long as it is economic value. When a City Council claims the exclusivity of the Cross of Christ you bet its because of the financial implications .The sad thing is while they scramble to maximise their investment, little do they know that they are perhaps only re-enacting the scenes from the foot of the cross itself. It was hardened soldiers on the make, who gambled for his seamless robe. They too had to cash in on the cross. Of course I know its the painting, they claim to have exclusive rights over, while we see the Saviour to be exclusively inclusive. Indeed he has rights over us and the Council. A great piece of reformed thinking talks about "The Crown Rights of the Redeemer" but we'll save that for another time. So what ever is said, or done, surely its the subject matter that makes the painting - the death of Christ from the Father's perspective. Regardless of all this the truth is out the cross of Christ still has an amazing attraction for 21st century people. Over 2 million people visited the Art Galleries to see the painting. And to give the Glasgow Council their due admission is free.I guess the gospel always wins in the end.

Posted By: italker   On: 28 Jan 2009   At: 5:27pm

James if they go after you let me know and i’ll visit you in prison.


Posted By: James Hogg   On: 28 Jan 2009   At: 4:07pm


Posted By: James Hogg   On: 28 Jan 2009   At: 4:06pm

To be fair to Glasgow Council, which i something i thought i would never say, that the people they are going after are ones making money out of the painting for their own profit, where as the money the council is making will go into keeping the museum free. So like the Gospel the painting is free to all but unlike the Gospel you have to go to Glasgow to see it smileAnyway lets see if the council comes after me


Posted By: Nick Smith   On: 27 Jan 2009   At: 9:27pm

Thanks - thoughful and thought-provoking.  I remember as a schoolboy being drawn to the picture (buying a postcard) - and the cross draws me still, just as you say.

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