Hallelujah - Sheer Joy and Hope in Words and Music

I just finished writing my sermon for tomorrow. I think there is nothing that can sum up what i want to say better than this rendering of the "Hallelujah Chorus" [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_psFfD9Ib4[/youtube] I've been touched greatly by the Christmas message of joy and hope this year. In the sermon tomorrow I'm going to be talking about the longing in the human heart for meaning and purpose. We ae all people who want to experience joy and hope for the future. However most of us go through times of great sadness and even times when we have lost all meaning or purpose in life. There is something extravagently wonderful about the Gospel. A Gospel that has its roots deep in the Abrahamic Covenamt in Genesis 22. 18. God chooses to bless a man and through him the whole of creation, not because of his power, or his wisdom,but simply because he has faith. He is prepared to obey the Almighty. Is this not what Jesus is living out when he goes to the cross. Jesus is the figure that fulfills all that Abraham longed to be. He becomes the sacrifice that Abraham could never be or give and in doing so redeems humanity.
1 Comment

Posted By: H   On: 2 Jan 2010   At: 9:23pm

Enjoyed the music - sorry the weather prevented your talk on the Vine Trust.

Sometimes the start of a New Year can feel daunting - it is so good to know that Jesus is with us,even when, at times, the road ahead is uncertain - Hope the sermon goes well tomorrow. Thanks

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