I'm Voting For The Resurrection Party!

It was interesting watching the Prime Ministerial Television Debate tonight but in reality it was a bit of a damp squib. The bottom line for me is that we need to ensure that the economy continues to recover. Ultimately it will be the economy that will determine the result of the election. While most commentators will agree that when it came to style and performance Nick Clegg of the Lib Dems may well have won the debate the question remains on substance and credibility. Will he be able to win an election? The thing is perhaps voters will in the end decide to stick with what they know rather than take the chance at a time like this with the other two parties who have rather inexperienced leaders. Brown may well end up Prime Minister again if Clegg can steal votes from the Conservatives. Anyway I enjoyed much more my seat in the sun here in St Andrews Fife, this afternoon, looking out over the North Sea reading my latest theological aquisition, "The Theology of John Zisioulas, Personhood and the Church". I'm in the process of preparing myself to preach a series of sermons on the Epistle to the Ephesians. I hope to start preaching on the introduction this Sunday. Ephesians has much to say about the nature and purpose of the Church. You know we really have a purpose as Church to be the alternative to the empty individualism of worldliness. We are God's living manifesto for change in the heart of humankind. Its actually fasinating to hear politicians speak about the nature of greed and dishonesty among politicians. However none go to the source of the problem. The need for a redeemed humanity. One of the great liberating ideas is that the Church is the Community of Resurrection. There is a great phrase I came across in the above book which I've found myself meditating upon this afternoon it is this " The final resurrection of the many is the cause of the resurrection of the one Jesus Christ." How brilliant and inspiring is this thought. Christ rose so that he might bring to life again all those who have fallen asleep.But more than that those who are dead in their trespasses and their sins. You and me and even our MPs It gives us all a whole new perspective on the resurrection and also on the great eternal love affair that exists within the Godhead towards us human beings. All things will be brought together in Christ. there may well be a great ash cloud hanging over the UK this evening but one day the groaning of creation and the pain and disruption of life will be set free and will be made new in Christ. In him all things will come together in peace and harmony. In Christ the many become one. In Christ diversity comes into unity. So ultimately Christ is the great unifier of all things and the ultimate answer to all political questions.
1 Comment

Posted By: Jimmy   On: 16 Apr 2010   At: 5:56pm

I’ve been thinking for a while now (perhaps erroneously) that there is a union between the physical body of Christ and the physical world.

That when the body of Christ was destroyed on the cross a countdown began toward a time or a day when the world will be destroyed.

And just as Christ experienced destruction and resurrection the physical world will also experience destruction and resurrection. 2nd Peter 3:10-13 seems to say this if it is taken literally.

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