In Lima

Last night we took a city bus tour trip. I was a bit bored with it. Sitting on top of an open bus breathing in the fumes of Lima is not all that wonderful an experience. Anyway it lasted for over three hours. Part of the trip was to stop at a park where there was numerous water fountains all back lit with coloured lights. It made you think about this contrast between a section of society nearly four million who don't have running water and a small part of society that can use the water so freely to make water fountains. Look I'm not saying its bad it just highlights again the gap totween the people who have and the people who don't. Here is a picture of the water fountains. Lima Water Fountain 1   Lima Water Fountain 2

People were having great fun running in and out of the water streams. Today we're off to Kawai which means 'Ah I got it now' Paul explained the meaning of this word to us like this: you know how sometimes you look up into a cloudy sky and someone says I can see the shape of a cow in the sky, you look and look but you can't see it.Then suddenly you exclaim 'Kawai' I got it. You know what that is how it is with faith isn't it we look and look and can't seem to find what others seem to have - then one day we exclaim 'I see it!' And I guess that is what the Kawau camp is all about.

1 Comment

Posted By: Jackie   On: 20 Jan 2008   At: 6:45pm

Hi Albert,

Just wanted to write a comment to encourage you to keep the info coming on Peru,  its good to hear all the news of whats happenening over there.  I agree that we very much live in a world of have and have nots in every part of the world.  We have so much,  we all do our wee bit but deep down we could all do so much more.  Most people who read this blog have lovely houses maybe too big for our needs, driving cars too fancy, holidaying in many places, eating and drinking good food, buying new clothes, spending money on things we dont need.  The difficult part is giving it up.

God Bless the work in Peru

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