iTalker and Memory Lane.

Vanguard Car Following on from the visit to the Transport Museum last Monday, it was truly a walk down memory lane for me. The sight of this Standard Vanguard car, reminded me of Summer evenings organised by our Junior Bible Class Leader Glen Laing. He used to dress like a gangster wearing suits with big wide collars and flamboyant ties. He'd load a bunch of young guys in this car and take us out to the countryside for what we used to call a ramble, the truth is it was more like a rumble. We had some good laughs bumping around in the back of this old car, no safety belts in those days. I can still smell the leather and the petrol. Got me thinking, we never know what memories we are creating for young people. I'm sure he never thought he was doing anything really important, he was though. We loved it as teenagers. So what iconic objects will create memories in the minds of today's teenagers fifty years on? I bet Valley FM. will be remembered as a high point. Now if you don't know about valley FM have a look at the web page http://
1 Comment

Posted By: Jim   On: 1 Jun 2007   At: 5:10pm

Remember these rumble nights well, Albert.

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