Just a Click Away!

I've been trying to iron out some of the technical issues that seem to face me when I write this blog. However  for the past few months it has felt like I'm getting nowhere. So I end up frustrated and give up and leave the study. Hence  the spasmodic writing of articles. Somehow the software never seems to do what I want.

This morning I was in the Sanctus Media office and this gave me a chance to speak to Owen who is our web designer. After a short conversation and a few clicks of his computer key pad he assured me it was fixed. Got me thinking, how many times  in our lives do we put off  following through on an idea or a relationship or a piece of work because something isn't working right. It becomes too much of a hassle so we opt for an easy life. The thing is if we speak to the right people  about our problems a lot of the things that give us grief and prevent us from being creative  and more fulfilled could be fixed -  perhaps easier than we think. We all just need to find our own "Owen" Above all perhaps we forget about the power and the influence prayer can have on our lives. We need to leave the door open and realise that the answer might be closer than we think. Just the click of a key away from an answer. So keep the door open. 

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