Yesterday we were all awakened to the sad news that David Bowie had died. Over four million tweets... read more
Just a note to thank all the people who have contributed to our appeal to help "Bounce Higher" At... read more
It's always a challenge to keep projects going. So often funders are looking for programmes and... read more
Posted By: Helmut On: 6 Jun 2011 At: 5:14pm
Is this the wild back gardens of the Assembly Hall buildings?-
This is a video to keep. I am going to have a look at the website.
What a heroic act of faith. Christian Palestinians, as we say it in German, “sit in between all chairs” - the Muslim majority of Palestinians often taking them for “Christians” - hence on the wrong side… Many Israelis taking them for “Palestinians”, wrong side again… And many people elsewhere not knowing what to think about them, anyway, but most likely putting them into the wrong drawer again….
Posted By: The PMs Open Door Diplomacy meeting Christians and On: 16 Oct 2012 At: 1:21pm
[...] the post I made a couple of years ago highlighting the plight of Douad Nassar see the video below. Share Uncategorized Photographs of Mull of [...]