Moderator At the Olympic Village

The Olympics have certainly made a start at inspiring more people to get out and do a bit of exercise. Will it continue well that's another discussion. Meanwhile I received a wonderful welcome yesterday when I visited the Olympic village. It was great to meet up with neil Urquhart and to hear about the role "International Event Chaplaincy" plays in supporting and contributing to the infra-structure of the Olympics. I was met by the Mayor of the Olympic  Village Sir Charles Allen CBE who turned out to be a Scot and a firm supporter of the BBs. Sir Charles was proud to talk about the influence the Boys Brigade had on his life as a young man growing up in Ayrshire. Its truly fascinating when we think about the legacy that youth organisations contribute to the generations that have still to come. There is a great opportunity for the Church to draw alongside all those involved in sport and bring that extra dimension of spiritual insight that is often the missing part of the jigsaw as athletes and sports people go in search of what it means to live a truly balance life. My visit to the olympics has highlighted the great opportunities that parishes through Scotland will have during 2014 as the Commonwealth Games come to Glasgow.  I know that people are already preparing for the opportunities but I think we need to help more of our communities begin to see the connection between sport and spirituality. once that connection is made many doors begin to open.  I spoke with Richard Gamble  the CEO of Sports Chaplaincy UK.  He has a great deal of experience in developing Sports Chaplaincy and I'm sure we in the Church of Scotland have much to learn from organisations like his.   talking with Neil Urquhart who is the Chaplain to Kilmarnock Football Club  and also with John Boyers the Chaplain to Manchester United, made me aware of the contribution that Christians can make in this who area of connecting with  both professional  and amateur sports clubs. I look forward to the discussion developing and bearing fruit. [youtube][/youtube]
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