Moderator on BBC Debate at Wigtown Book Festival

I arrived yesterday in Wigtown to take part in the BBC Radio programme, 'Brian Taylor's Big Debate" and also to give a talk at the Wigtown book Festival.  This is also an opportunity  to promote the book of prayers I've written entitled " Sanctuary".It reflects some of the material we publish daily on the Sanctuary First  web site It was a torturous, drive from Edinburgh to Wigtown . The thing is, I took the shortest  route according to the  SAT NAV. It  turned out to be longer than  expected. I ended up on a number of "B roads" including a diversion.  Its when you get involved with a diversion, you begin to feel your on a kind of mystery adventure. It seemed as though the road would never end.  You begin to doubt the route and the accuracy  of the navigation equipment. Finally I came to a halt behind a vehicle,  on a single track road , somewhere  in the middle of the Led Hills. The driver was trying to secure his rear wheel, it would appear to have  come off.  As I peered in the  truck, there was a dog and a dead deer crammed in the  back . Don't ask me too much, the man looked a bit scary, he had blood on his coat and looked a bit exasperated. Had he shot the deer, or run it over ?  I don't know!  However he approached me and told me the back wheel had fallen off, he would be driving slowly to the next lay-by. I asked if I could help but he reassured me the AA would be coming. To add to the challenge of the day, i was finally faced with the windscreen wipers packing up and it started to rain. At last I reached Wigtown with 20 minutes to spare before the broadcast. i was welcomed and duly wired for sound  then it was into the breech. The room where the broadcast came from was crowded. It was pretty good tempered affair, with the usual political banter coming from the politicians. Later on in the afternoon I was somewhat surprised to see the venue full, even more surprised that they had all paid £7.00 to hear me speak. I was speaking about the important role that the church can play in creating communities in Scotland. i also emphasised the importance of working in partnership with others. It was good to be able to use the Bo'ness experience to highlight the significant role churches can play in lead partnerships within communities. It was then time to find our hotel in Stranraer and start preparing for the next week of visits in the area. I was glad that the rain stayed off. In fact it turned out to be a wonderful evening. Here"s a  are picture of the  sea on the road between Port William and Stranraer. I was glad that the rain was over for the evening. Saturday would be a day of rest before engaging with the busyness of the next week.  

Posted By: Pat and Donald MacQ   On: 7 Oct 2012   At: 12:33pm

heard you on the radio and cant tell you how good it was to ‘hear’ the smile on your face as you gave your answers. A cheery word is attractive to the listener. Well done!


Posted By: Mary Ford   On: 7 Oct 2012   At: 9:21am

What a stressful time! The Lord was with you. Every blessing on you and Martha on the week ahead.

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