Offering Christ on the Street.

ablb0nstreet.jpgFriday proved to be a very cold and windy day here in Bo'ness, as I think it was all around Scotland. However, I'm glad to report that a good number of ministers got out on the streets and took the church to the people. I was delighted that my colleague Len Bennett who is a Pastor in the Apostolic Church came up to join us for our Good Friday Service. Len, was  carrying a cross he made over 20 years ago he had  70x7 printed on the cross and this he tells me has been a talking point over the years.  As we walked along the street together with  the cross we found people looking on, wondering what it was all about. We ended up standing outside TESCO for nearly an hour. Around 15 people took the bread and the wine and I believe that everyone who participated found the experience to be meaningful. I also ended up catching up with some people who I hadn't seen around church for a number of years.I'm glad we did it and I'm also glad that I shared in the walk with the cross.  I think there is a whole new ministry that more of us could develop if we were more prepared to take the symbols of the faith out to the people on the streets.I was delighted to hear that John Sentamu once again this Easter has been baptising people in the open air. Perhaps this is something that we in the Church of Scotland can learn from. How cool would it be if we  could organise a large baptismal service in the open air for new believers? A kind of Church Without Walls Service. We could gather new communicants from all over the country who have never been baptised to profess their faith.Perhaps that is something we could all work towards for next Easter. It would be great to hear comments on this idea. I really think there is more milage to Church Without Walls than we might think!
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