Shaping God
Over the last few days the Sanctuary First team have been working hard seeking to create a new shape and focus for the project as it goes into its fourth year under its present brand name. I came across this video we produced a few years back. It reminds us that God is continually doing new things with his people.
He is truly a Shaping God. Just think how you have changed over the years? I was listening to a Radio 4 broadcast ealier this evening. It turned out to be very interesting. The programme makers are taking well known people who have written a diary in their younger years and engaging them in conversation relating to some of the entries. The idea is to reflect with the contributor upon the changes they see in themeselves. Asking what opinions have changed and what remains the same.
I'm confident we all change in some way because of our experiences. I would like to thnk that as Christians we would become more Christlike in our attitudes to others and perhaps carry within our opinions an increased sense of grace and compassion for those who think in a different way.
The prayer above invites God to shape us as we stand in his presence. Let us all invite the Holy Spirit to renew the Church. How we need our hearts to be turned again to understand the purposes of God for our own lives in doing so will we not be contributing to the shaping of the whole Gospel Community?
Posted By: itaker On: 29 Aug 2013 At: 12:09am
You are bang on the button. But when we say he is the “same” it is that sameness that constantly surprises us to think in a new way, He invites us to step out to go beyond our comfort zone, to be vulnerable. Its never the same dreary life its life in all its fulness