Sharing Communion on the street on Good Friday?

Today I started to put together a number of articles for the Parish Network. Its the new name we're giving to our church broadsheet that we distribute around the parish. It go me thinking about some of the things we might plan for Holy Week. Before long I was reflecting on the amazing experience I had a few years ago when I took the bread and the wine out into the streets on Good Friday. It was a a profound experience. Taking Christ to the busy street on Good Friday. Literally standing with Christ and watching people pass by. It brought to my mind the verse in Lamentations 1.12 "Is it nothing to you, all you who pass by? Look around and see. Is any suffering like my suffering that was inflicted on me, that the LORD brought on me in the day of his fierce anger?" Take a moment and click on the video to the right of the website. Its entitled "God so loved the World" you will see for yourself the responses of people as they walk past. On another occasion on Good Friday i took to the streets and offered the public the opportunity to take the bread and the wine. I was taking the idea a step further, what does it mean to be a church without walls. A church that offers men and women on the street the healing symbols of forgiveness. The question hanging over my actions was is this cheap grace? Am I by my actions demeaning the body and blood of Christ or could I by this very action be highlighting the communion service as a service of conversion and redemption? Am I encouraging in the words of Paul, men and women to be eating and drinking the bread and wine unworthily? The truth is I can't look into the heart of a man or a woman even if they take communion in church. How do I know the state of a soul before Almighty God? One thing I do remember a good number of people came forward and accepted the bread and wine. I have no doubt in my mind thatthey were were sincere and reverent as they approached to take the cup. Each in turn spoke of their faith in Christ. Many had tears running down their checks. This was not cheap grace. I wonder if non believers screen themselves. Perhaps many have more respect for the bread and wine than some might think. In my experience, being involved in this action was everything that I believed about Jesus. God had come into our neighbourhood and the cross with all its power was once again being released on to the streets. The words of Jesus came to mind " If I am lifted up I will draw all people unto me." In a world where the visual language speaks louder than words Christ on the street in bread and wine spoke with great authority. I don't know what it is but there is something incarnational about sharing Communion on the street. It brings tears to my eyes. Perhaps we have locked up the most powerful symbols of the gospel for too long in our churches. Perhaps on the right occasions during the Christian festivals there is a place for the sacraments to be not only displayed but shared as a witness to the power of God come among us in Christ. I'm looking to see what response will come from this post. I wonder if other ministers around the world might be willing to take Christ into the streets this year on Good Friday. If you are interested or want to discuss its merits feel free to add to the post. I'd love to see the story of Good Friday enacted on the streets of the world this year and what better way than communion. If your going to do it drop me an email or comment at the end of this post.
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