Yesterday we were all awakened to the sad news that David Bowie had died. Over four million tweets... read more
Just a note to thank all the people who have contributed to our appeal to help "Bounce Higher" At... read more
It's always a challenge to keep projects going. So often funders are looking for programmes and... read more
Posted By: italker On: 4 Mar 2009 At: 12:08am
You’ve got some memory. I forgot about all these pranks. I do remember you defacing the pedal organ. When Roy went to play no sound was heard you have carried out a prank. I don’t think they ever found out who did it. I must confess your Riley was a fantastic machine. I bet you wish you had it today.
Posted By: Jim S On: 3 Mar 2009 At: 7:01am
Remember we all had old cars at the same time, Albert, and each key fitted each other’s cars.
We used to drive off in each other’s car or hide them round the block. Simple pleasures!!
Posted By: Carl On: 27 Feb 2009 At: 2:23pm
You can’t download U2’s album until Monday. You can listen up until midnight on the Amazon web site [] or register at U2’s site to hear the album in full.
Posted By: Jim S On: 4 Mar 2009 At: 7:04am
Yes, the Riley would buy me a pension if I still had it.