silence means more

Before the bang

The big bang

There still was something

Not nothing


Perhaps Someone


Made a move

And broke

The silence


And so we move

In a world of noise

But we inhabit

Our inner world of silence

We know how to

Keep things from each other

To protect ourselves

To protect others

Silence becomes

Our truth


So much hurt locked away

In silence

Mobile prisons

On the move

In shops  and cars

On mobile phones

Speaking words

But living silence

Dying to tell

But telling no one

Silence becomes

Our Truth


And snow falls

And songs are sung

We laugh and cry

The candles burn

It's another "Silent Night"

We conceal our pain

With great diplomacy

We turn many away

In Silence

We hide our saddness


There's a knock in the dark

And the prison shakes

A door is opened

And a baby cries

And breaks the Silence

Of our inner prison.





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