Strike Out Unemployment Start With Your Congregation
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Posted By: Lilias On: 5 Dec 2011 At: 6:26pm
I know that young people have definitely benefited from volunteering around Avenue Youth Programme. Its amazing hearing how young people have spent their whole interview chatting about Valley FM or their experience in India.
I keep a note of hours young people volunteer at the Church its amazing how the hours mount up. Will count it all up one day and let you know.
Employing young people is a great idea - challenging tho.
Jackie just for your info. Bo’ness Academy, I’m sure, would welcome your offer of week long work placements with open arms :o)
Posted By: italker On: 5 Dec 2011 At: 12:52am
Yes exactly Jackie.
Posted By: Jackie On: 1 Dec 2011 At: 12:31pm
Got me thinking about my working environment and how tight it can be working in the Private sector. We run our business always looking for ways to save and watch every penny is being spent wisely. Maybe there is an opportunity within our business to offer a young person some work experience, they could shadow me for a week or so, sadly with no pay, but it would give them an insight into what life is like in the big wide world of life. It would give them a purpose to get up in the morning.
Posted By: Louise Hankin On: 1 Dec 2011 At: 11:24am
I read a response earlier in the week from a guy saying that the employment/legal aspects of providing jobs in churches can make people reluctant to doing so. I can see where he’s coming from, however there are excellent resources available on the internet that speak plainly about setting up and developing an employment relationship. I’ve found and to be especially helpful - especially for small organisations. Also, it’s worth remembering that volunteering is an excellent way for people without a paid job to contribute to society and find the sense of purpose/meaning that often goes hand in hand with that. I know it doesn’t pay the bills but one day it might just get them as far as an interview or even a job offer.
Posted By: Jim Ritchie On: 1 Dec 2011 At: 8:08am
Fantastic idea Albert. A really creative way of being gooe news and practically blessing our communities. We’ve worked with young people over the years giving them positive, productive jobs and it makes such a difference to their life, their confidence and their personal development for the future. To see this arise all over the country would be a wonderful response by the church to the hopelessness around today.
Posted By: Mike Munro On: 30 Nov 2011 At: 10:39pm
I think it is an excellent idea, so many young people have lost any sense of worth and we need to encourage them in that they are valued.
At today’s national prayer gathering we were reminded of how essential it is to pray into all aspects of working life and business.
Posted By: Helmut On: 11 Dec 2011 At: 10:46am
Something along those lines is done in Germany, the actual layout varying from authority to authority.
And yes indeed, the red tape coming along with this is awesome and killing off quite a few valuable ideas.