The day starts with the Army and ends with sunset over Bo'ness

I was glad that some of you enjoyed looking at the pictures of my cycle ride on Saturday. I can't believe that it is over a week now since we returned from Tanzania. However it is. It was great to visit the barge on Sunday afternoon and take part in the Vine Trust prayer meeting. I was heartened to see people from Bo'ness and Barclay Church and also to have the support of some of the Board Members. We had a Skype conversation with Billy Clark all the way from Lima. It was good to hear that progress is being made as we seek to bring the homes up to a higher standard. There are still great challenges ahead of us in Peru and we pray God's blessing on Willie as he travels out to Lima later on this week.It was also good to be reminded of our visit to Tanzania and to be able to show some pictures and give everyone an update. Its going to be a busy few weeks for us all. When Willie gets back he'll be getting his cassock dry cleaned as he prepares to be one of the Moderator's chaplains. Yesterday Martha and I had the unique opportunity to visit the 51 (Scottish) Brigade and get an overview of the work of the Army in Scotland, and also to hear about the important role that Firm Base is playing in seeking to integrate the Services into the structures of civic Scotland. It was also good to hear about Armed Forces Day and learn how local communities around Scotland are seeking to express their appreciation for the role that so many of our young people play in the armed forces. Scotland has a major part to play in recruiting some of the top soldiers into the army. We learned that there is going to be a major role for communities and parishes to welcome home the many ex-service personnel who will be returning home over the next couple of years. the army itself is going to be reduced in size and this will undoubtedly have consequences for many communities. I think there is a wonderful opportunity for parishes throughout the country to begin to think how they can support such families. I know many returning will be completely self sufficient but there are always those who find themselves in a strange community and they need help and encouragement to make friends. I remember last year we had a family connected to the forces and they appreciated the support of our Bounce Higher programme. I started with the cycle ride so I'll finish with posting some magnificent pictures of sunsets I took tonight around Bo'ness while I was out cycling.
1 Comment

Posted By: Helmut   On: 2 May 2012   At: 10:21am

What a lovely insight into your daily work! I really appreciate that!

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