The Shaping Spirit of God

[gallery] Sanctuary First was well received tonight. It was great that people took part and explored what it means to be shaped by the Spirit of God. The opening video featured Michael Jackson's iconic video in which we were reminded of the plurality of cultures and colours in the world. All these cultures impinge on all of us because we live in a global village. It is so easy to allow ourselves to be shaped by the philosophies of the people we live and work alongside. As Christians we are called to submit ourselves to the shaping power and presence of the Holy Spirit. The drawings above were created by members of the congregation who attended Sanctuary First tonight. These was the result of an exercise in which worshippers were invited to use their breath to create a picture by blowing on paint through a straw. we used this to reflect upon the various shapes and colours that make up the family of God thanks to the shaping presence of the holy Spirit. Here is a prayer or meditation that invites God to shape us. O God I'm waiting for you to pass by I'm standing here Breathing Thinking Searching Whispering To myself And to You Did You do this? Carve out a coastline Shape a mountain Turn a sea With every breath I breathe in wonder Wind of God Shape me Breathe on me Let me feel you breath Touch my soul Awaken my thoughts once more To think To see To believe To encounter Inspiration To discover the old is the new And the new is the old O God I'm standing Still standing Give me the courage to Bow in your presence To bend my knees In worship To hear your word Carried on Your breath Whispering my name Shaping God Make me into what you will

Posted By: Helmut   On: 9 Jun 2011   At: 4:21pm

I like the idea of a possibly late evening midweek online Bible Study. It would, however, tax my wordpower and I am not quite sure if I am up to that challenge!


Posted By: italker   On: 9 Jun 2011   At: 1:07am

Sorry you missed the start but i hear you got involved with a good discussion. Talking of discussion we’ve been thinking about running an online mid week Bible Study do you think it would be of interest?


Posted By: Helmut   On: 6 Jun 2011   At: 4:50pm

Thank you for putting up the pictures, as I was really wondering about them. Sadly I missed the first 20 or so minutes, joining in late on the internet. Hoping for Worship Replay on (Media)

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