The Stone

Lord, The Stone Speaks to me of closure without resolution It was rolled over the grave to seal in death. To over look injustice To hide our unforgiving hearts To make sure death could not be seen To celebrate the death of freedom To shut down protest To close down truth To hide the fact that fear must die in the face of love Resurrection Sunday Blows that all apart
1 Comment

Posted By: Veronica Mcguire   On: 10 May 2011   At: 11:09pm

hello blogger, i was reading your posts on The Stone | iTalker and i actually liked them. 1 thing that i noticed while browsing throughout your blog that some of the hyperlinks aren’t working and return error error. this makes the reading experience a bit sour. you have a nice blog and i would request you to revise the links so that interested folks can get all of the information they want to have. Btw are you on twitter?? i would really like to follow you and get up-dates in your blog.

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