Thinking about healing!

river-scene.JPG Lord, I've been thinking about Your healing ministry. Before you say anything I believe in it. I know you heal people. Thing is, I ‘m just checking, do you expect us to be involved? Should we leave room in every service for this ministry? Should we advertise it? Are there any techniques we should learn? Like laying on hands, using oil, power words â€" you know the kind of thing? I was also wondering where the doctors fit in? I'm sure your aware Lord, of the great strides we have made in medical science. Sorry, Lord, I forgot, you also include the sciences as part of your ministry. Well some people think that we don't really need the faith healing now that you've developed medical science. You look puzzled Lord? Oh you want me to listen carefully. I'm listening. You don't expect us to put one ministry in competition with the other. You want us to listen more to your Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit who empowers. All healing stems from your grace, even medical ones! Your saving grace is always displayed. Some healing demands prayer and fasting, but not as a condition, more as a means of drawing close to you. However, you will make it plain when it is required, and we have to keep in close touch with you. Right got it! Healing goes beyond physical healing. What was that you said Lord ? Death itself is the final healing So I take it, you expect us to be involved in the healing ministry? - Cool !