This Is Holy Week 2010!

Holy Week 2010 starts today. I've had quite a busy time over the past week pulling ideas together for the Easter Services. This year we've extended our idea of using creative stones to share a message to a wider group of people. Check out my video podcast on the church website. I think it would be pretty cool to find painted stones all about our town with inspirational verses relating to hope and expectation painted on them. Last Saturday was a really busy day with activities ranging from a Prayer Breakfast to an amazing Gospel Music Concert in the evening. Jimmy and Ian from Vangel were sharing some of their new material. It sounded really good. The Hollerans were also performing. They're a Gospel singing trio. It took me back years as i found myself listening to tunes i have forgotten all about. It was a great night. I had my iPhone out doing a bit of recording. Well I thought I had but when I started sorting through it tonight I find there's nothing saved. Continuing on the" busy week theme" I'm looking forwatd to finishing an interesting mediatation that Rae Manger and myself are preparing for the next Sanctuary First Service this coming Saturday in Bo'ness at 7.00pm. Its a reflection from the cross using the seven phrases spoken by Jesus as recorded across the four Gospels. I think its going to be a really interesting Easter Weekend. After the Good Friday Services, which will include a service for the children centred around a creative story telling session ending up with juice and hot cross buns which non of the kids will like but their parents will eat. It will be over until the evening. We're going to have a showing of Norman Stone's film " Man Dancin' directly after the joint Churches Together Service at around 8.00pm I'm hoping that some of the older teenagers who normally attend the youth club wll drop in for the film. We hope to have a discussion about it later. I'm looking for people to turn up on Saturday afternoon and help us put together the meditation areas for the service. I'm hoping we might have time to put up the Easter Labrynth before Friday . The only thing is that it takes up a great deal of time. it is spectactuar but often we only get a handful of people moving through it. I've more to write about Holy Week so I'll leave some material for use over the next few days. The picture you see on the left was a reworking of a photograph we found on the internet. It hung in the church a couple of yesrs ago during the Lent period. We were reflecting on the compassion we are called to show towards each other. I
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