What Has the Snow Put On Ice?

Nothing quite like a snow fall to turn our lives upside down. Perhaps even for the better. We're sitting here in Bo'ness with about 10 inches of snow on the path. The poor weather looks like continuing and I guess for the next few days we'll all be out with our snow shovels moving snow. Its meant that a lot of people can't get to work and of course all our schools have been closed for the past two days. I've had to leave the car in the driveway and do a bit of walking. While walking I've been doing a bit of clicking with my iphone camera. I think I've got some good shots. I particularly like the one at the top of this post. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUWApERQb-8&feature=youtube_gdata_player[/youtube] I was down at church today and found Lilias our youth worker has been out and about with some of our teenagers offering to clear snow from paths and to do shopping for anyone who is unable to get out to the shops. So if you know of anyone who needs a bit of a helping hand get in touch. I noticed Mairi our Church Administrator exceptionally cherrie these last couple of days. I've come to the conclusion that she has been able to get on with her work without the constant interruptions she faces most days. The truth is the church office can be a bit of a Fayre Ground. Phones are ringing or someone is popping in to see someone else, bags of materials appear from nowhere, a toddler puts his head round the door, a group of teenagers come in to speak to Lilias, some young mums are waiting for a meeting with Dianne or Emma. Then the door bell rings and its someone who has come to see the staff at Sanctus Media. In the midst of all this people are being ministered to and listened to and people are sharing and ministering to their community. So what has happened over the past two days is that the snow has brought a blanket of inactivity over the church and the workers are enjoying the quiet. The church door bell rang again today someone wanted to come to pray and sit in the quiet of the church. I was glad our doors were open and the building was being used as it so often is as the place of prayer. I guess the snow can bring most things to a halt but it would be wonderful if it brought about a spirit of prayer and reflection among all of us. Strange thing is that when the snow comes it helps us see what is necessary and what is peripheral. One thing everyone must surely agree on is that the snow brings neighbours and communities together. I was hearing about a group of neighbours who all worked together to clear their street of snow then helped each other to get out to the main road in convoy as they went to work this morning. And have you noticed the number of people all out walking and the lack of noise. The snow has finally silenced the car. No doubt we can name the many troubles and trials that the ice can bring, ( I myself was cropper not so long ago when I smashed up my elbow because of a patch of ice) , however I think the falling snow has made us all quietly reflect on the things that matter - good friends, a bowl of good soup, and a good snow shovel. Over to you so what has the snow put on ice for you?

Posted By: italker   On: 1 Dec 2010   At: 11:33pm

Never mind Mike, just remember the text “I can do all things trough Christ who strengthens me. So sit back relax and enjoy the forced inactivity.  And if you need any help Lilias will send up some of the young folk to clear your drive!


Posted By: Mike Munro   On: 1 Dec 2010   At: 8:53pm

Probably just about everything, all activities cancelled and unable to get the car out of Chestnut Grove, no buses and feeling my age walking and shovelling snow. Went as far as the Health Centre today, and back, and was whacked !

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