21 Nov 2010 comments:
just got back this evening from a speaking engagement at Moffat. It was a wonderful opportunity to tell a whole new group of people about the work of the Vine Trust. I got back into Bo'ness just in time to catch up with Craig Hannah one of our church voluntary youth workers who does an amazing job drawing alongside young musicians and mentoring them.
Tonight he has 5 bands playing in the church hall....
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2 Nov 2010 comments:
I've started writing up my experience of the Lausanne Congress. The theme of the congress was " God in Christ reconciling the world to himself " this text is found in 2 Corinthians 5.19 . Its an amazing text for it gives us a great hint about the nature of God.
God is in the business of reconciling, he is the great cosmic peacemaker. Yet so often religion is blamed for the cause of so much war and violence. The truth is God is able to do what none of us can do...
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19 Sep 2010 comments:
Here i am once again flying a kite as we think a bit more about the reform of Presbyteries. During the past few years it seems to me that there is a mood in the church to be more relational than legal. This leads us to think about structures and functions that are based on trust and relationships rather than legal authority.
True worship is surely an act of the heart in response to love and forgiveness not an act of duty or even an act of obedience. In so many...
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12 Jul 2010 comments:
Robert Calvert, in an article written for the Lausanne Conversation entitled " Secularity: Dogma meets Diversity in Europe", makes the following comment," The challenge of secularity is to make the case for the truth of Christ in societies that are pluralistic and globalized and to build the peace of Christ in societies that are broken and divided. Evangelical Christians, who need to critically engage rather than to escape the challenge of this secular age, are...
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16 Jun 2010 comments:
Hey can you believe it? Its that time of the year. Yes today ValleyFM goes live on air right up to the the Saturday of Bo'ness Fair. iIf you live in the Bo'ness area you'll find them on the radio at 87.7FM otherwise you can click here and find the radio station. We're go on air at 7.00am every morning and come off the air at 12 .00 Midnight. valleyFm is part of our church youth programme called 'The Avenue" for the past four years we've produced this live radio...
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