7 Aug 2009 comments:
My friends Wilfred and Shanti Davidar took us out for dinner the other evening. We ended up at JCs Cafe in Chennai. Its actually quite a cool place. It was also quite busy. It is run by a Christian businessman, who is seeking to reach out to a group of people who are seeking to engage with spiritual ideas. It is a place where people of different faiths and no faith frequent, because they enjoy the ambiance. I actually think it could be a brilliant place to promote and...
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2 Jun 2009 comments:
We were at a brilliant Barbecue on Saturday in aid of raising funds for the work of the Vine Trust This was a real heavy duty barbe! Steaks all round! I believe they were bought at the auction in the Roxburghe Hotel last January. So the meat was put to good use to earn more money for the Trust.
I'd like to say huge thanks to Gordon Stewart and his team of helpers for putting on an excellent event. Of course the weather helped to make it an outstanding...
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20 May 2009 comments:
Lots of things are happening around the church this week. I guess we're not any busier than normal but it seems that way. The staff of SANCTUS MEDIA are working flat out getting ready for the General Assembly. Rae has just managed to produce a DVD with over three and half hours of footage on it all relating to the 2008 National Gathering. Its well worth a watch, indeed I think you will be able to order it on line from our Sanctus Media web...
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19 May 2009 comments:
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]
Here is a short video highlight of tat memorable Summer way back in 2000. We toured round Scotland in a period of 6 days and connected with hundreds of people as we took our multimedia service into cathedrals and churches. Our idea was that we needed to raise funds to get our media project off the ground. in Bo'ness.
Its amazing that 9 years on we have...
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16 May 2009 comments:
This is a post to encourage all the 40 Day Discipleship Challengers. Don't beat yourself up if you've missed one or two of the text messages. Remember some of the suggestions will take time to put into practice. We're all here to support and help each other not to lay guilt trips on one other. I have a few to catch up with myself and I intend to follow them up.
Life has been quite busy over the past few days and I must confess I enjoy getting a chance to chill...
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