24 Dec 2008 comments:
This post is going to be all about lights at Christmas. Its truly wonderful how a candle can light up the darkness. I know it sounds like stating the obvious but to me it is always full of wonder. I think to myself so where did the darkness go? Of course its still there but the light has brought another dimension so that your eyes see things that otherwise would be hidden. Every Christmas there is always something or someone I see in a new light.
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13 Dec 2008 comments:
Over the years there has been much speculation about Joseph the father of Jesus. Many writers have tried to think through what it must have meant for Joseph to have taken on such a role knowing that Jesus was such a special child and not his own.
Joseph is a bit of a mentor for all Dads, but especially those who are caring for children they are bringing up as their own. The great thing is that he did it and did it successfully. I'm sure there are times when those who...
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4 Dec 2008 comments:
I've just finished writing the blurb on the Christmas card that we send round our Parish. In it I'm suggesting that we could all do with a minimalist Christmas. By this I mean unplugging all the light pollution that goes with Christmas so that we can see the real star. The thing is, I know, the Light still shines brightly for those who are looking, but some have lost their way with the tinsel and the tat.
We have a little Advent Bible Study group that meets every...
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4 Dec 2008 comments:
What can I say Sunday was a great day. I really enjoyed the morning service , when it came to the evening it was great to experiment with praise music and Scottish dancing. I can recommend folks to try this out. It sounds corny and shallow but it wasn't. it was one of the most inclusive all age evenings we've experienced in the church. The food was great and the music was excellent. Have a look at the service click here What amazed me was that everyone joined in the...
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25 Nov 2008 comments:
I was having a bit of fun with the children in church last Sunday morning. I reminded them of the party we're having on Sunday to celebrate St Andrew's Day. One of the cool things we're doing is raising a banner or a flag from our church tower. You've guessed it- the Saltire !
I've told the children they've got to look out for it going up. I didn't tell them the day or the time but I've promised a £5.00 prize to the child that gets closest to the time the flag...
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