posted: 26 Feb 2008 comments: 1category:

crowd.jpg  Yes we've just sold our 100th tent. This means that we are beginning to make headway in achieving our target of  10,000 people to attend the National Gathering at Ingliston 3-4 May 2008. The word is starting to get out around the churches and I'm hearing every day about another congregation that has decided to buy a tent or rent a bus to bring a group from their church to be represented. Thinking about The National  Gathering  today reminded me of a song I recorded...
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I'm in the Jail tomorrow- the difference is I'll get out!

posted: 13 Nov 2007 comments: 1category:

_41077807_mclellan_kilmarn_pa203.jpg You'll never guess where I'm going tomorrow? Polmont Young Offenders Institute! A few years ago I did a "Johnny Cash", I took my guitar and sang in the prison. A riot nearly broke out. I think the song lyrics were an invitation to violence. Anyway thought I'd get you thinking about prisons, but before you do I hope you enjoy this clip. [kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/N5Ts4M3irWM" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /] The central committee...
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I say Goodbye and Raj will say hello !

posted: 29 Oct 2007 comments: 0category:

It's just turned 1.00pm and in the next 30 minutes Willie and I will be heading for the Airport. Thanks for the info James about the flights. We've been told that the Air France flight took off this morning a couple of hours late, however it won't effect us because I believe the strike is now over. The city links seemingly have not been affected. So we should arrive home as planned. I was so good to receive your comments over the past week and I felt that many of you...
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Willie's celebrates his birthday in India

posted: 24 Oct 2007 comments: 3category:

dsc008141.jpg Its Tuesday 23rd October We arrived in Chennai at around 2.00 am. After having to wait for what seemed forever to collect our bags we made our way out of the airport. I deligted that my close colleague Willie MacPherson has been able to join me on this trip. Willie has a great deal of experience in helping to assess the sustainablity of projects in the developing world, so I was delighted when he accepted the invitation to join me, to look at a number of projects...
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Intransit wth Radiohead dreaming rainbows

posted: 24 Oct 2007 comments: 2category:

1052924.jpg October India Trip 2007 Our flight from Edinburgh to Paris was delayed by about 40 minutes. It meant that we had barely enough time to get through he screening to board this flight however we made it. Just passing over Terhan, at this moment, we're about four and half hours into this flight and I'm listening to Radiohead's new album called "Rainbows". It was just about this time last July we got turned back mid-flight to Heathrow, due to problems with the...
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