24 Jun 2007 comments:
John Carrie is quite an amazing man. if you didn't know him you could be forgiven for thinking he was simply a volunteer picking up litter on the annual Forth Road Bridge Christian Aid walk. There is much more to this volunteer. Thirty five years ago he had the brain wave of organising a bridge walk to raise funds for Christian Aid. At the close of business today John project will have raise in excess of 1 million pounds during these years. A big thank you to John...
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16 Jun 2007 comments:
Valley FM, what a hoot it is, and its getting better! Here's SteveB presenting has radio show on Valley FM 87.7. For the next two weeks the radio station will broadcasting for 18 hours a day. This is all part of our contribution as a church to our community, leading up to the famous world renowned Bo'ness Fair. We have been so encouraged by the excellent responses we have been receiving from people all over the world and in our own community Valley FM is certainly...
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15 Jun 2007 comments:
Here is a picture of Neil and myself and Pudsy bear. BBCs, Jackie Bird is presenting us with an award of £87,000 on behalf of Children in Need to help deliver on the growing opportunities that are coming our way as we work with children and families in the church and the community. Most of the funding is to appoint a full time worker to join our team which is already establishing family links in the community and even beyond.
It was interesting to see that Jackie...
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7 Jun 2007 comments:
This is the week when old rockers like myself are reminded that it was 40 years go since Sergeant Pepper was released. So where did all the days in that life go? I remember thinking this is brillant. I don't think I had ever heard anything quite like it. [kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]
Let me tell you about my day 40 years on. I write a small column for the local newspaper every week. I try...
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1 Jun 2007 comments:
Now what has a Police Box got to do with the above event? Well just watch and learn and see how you can manipulate pictures to have a relevance to your story. The newspapers do it all the time. iTalker is not called this for nothing. The plans for CWW National Event 2008 are beginning to take shape.
I spent most of yesterday at meeting in the church's central offices taking the plans a little further. We've got a great title for the event. " All you can't leave...
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