Hope Returns!

posted: 31 May 2012 comments: 2category:

Being a minister of the Gospel is a great privilege. Yesterday I had the unique opportunity to preach at the Scottish War Memorial in Edinburgh Castle. This is a service that takes place every year. It is a chance to remember and support in prayer all those who carry with them the wounds and scars of war and who feel the loss and pain of bereavement. It is a special service in that it seeks to highlight Scots who have given the greatest sacrifice of all. While there is...
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United Broke My Guitar -  Dave Carroll Turned The Crisis into A Drama

posted: 22 Mar 2012 comments: 15category:

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YGc4zOqozo[/youtube]Here's an interesting story that's going around the internet. Dave Carroll a country and western singer had his guitar badly damaged while travelling on a United Airlines flight. When he tried to claim the company they refused to listen to his story, gave him a hard time and dismissed his claim as not eligible. Well Dave was so insensed that he wrote a song, put it on YouTube and 11 million hits later United...
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The hidden image of God crucified.

posted: 20 Mar 2012 comments: 0category:

This article is a response to the meditation found on the front page of www.standonline.org.uk A few years ago I came across the term "keek a boo" theology. It is all about understanding the hidden yet revealed nature of God. We have all played the game "hide and seek", "keek a boo" theology highlights one aspect of this encounter. We have all seen a father or a mother hide behind a curtain the quickly appear, hide, then appear. the child keeps looking in...
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The Pocket Cross.

posted: 15 Feb 2012 comments: 0category:

[caption id="attachment_3997" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Made by Douglas Farmer"][/caption]The picture you see is of a cross that was given to me on Sunday by a member of the congregation who spent hours carving and honing this little piece of wood. It fits into your hand almost like a glove. "I made it for you to carry in your pocket" my friend said as he pressed it into my hand. I know its only a piece of wood, I know it has no magical powers but its a...
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Could God's face be ever too close for comfort?

posted: 21 Jan 2012 comments: 3category:

Too Close for Comfort [caption id="attachment_3937" align="alignleft" width="224" caption="Manna Dobo Artist"][/caption]I've had a pretty busy week hence just back from a Vine Trust Jubilee Dinner in St James' Palace. I'll get round to telling you about that visit in my next post. However i wanted to follow up on my last post. Manna Dobo is a quite outstanding artist and respected in her field of visual arts. We are so fortunate to have someone of her experience and talent teaching at...
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