Homecoming a moral dilemma?

posted: 11 Oct 2008 comments: 2category:

[kml_flashembed movie="http://uk.youtube.com/v/cO1HZIR0G5U" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /] HOMECOMING 2009 Very shortly the Scottish Government will launch their big tourist idea for 2009. Its called "The Homecoming". They're hoping for rich exiled Scots to return in their droves next year from all over the world. It might prove to be a more challenging idea than first expected, now that the ecomomic down turn is almost certain to effect the...
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Can enemies become colleagues?

posted: 4 Oct 2008 comments: 0category:

It could be easy to get depressed when you read about the current economic crisis. I must confessed I'm a bit of a current affairs junkie. It might be the Irish bit in me. I find it fascinating that Peter Mandelson is back in the Cabinet. It is reported that he and the Prime Minister have resolved their differences and are now going to work together for the good of the country. It is stories like this one that makes the old adage " a week it a long time in politics"...
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Structures alone can't change the church.

posted: 21 Sep 2008 comments: 0category:

I wrote about structures a few weeks ago. I think we need to realise that changing the structures alone, will not change the church. Tomorrow night at Kirk Session will be quite an important evening. The Kirk Session re-structing group will be reporting back. The plan is that they will give out the papers for the future structure and we will agree a date when we can meet in conference to discuss the implications. We need to allow the Holy Spirit to fire us up so that...
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A Walkie Talkie Bridge for Christian Aid

posted: 21 Sep 2008 comments: 2category:

Yesterday well over 1000 people walked the Forth Road Bridge to raise money for Christian Aid. I'm told if all the money is collected that has been promised from the sponsors,it will amount to £41,000. What I say is, not bad for an afternoon's work. It was also an opportunity for folk to reflect on Rev John Carrie who died earlier this year. John set up the whole project. It was good to see the Lord Provest of Edinburgh turn out to do the walk and also pay...
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Reforming Presbytery

posted: 17 Sep 2008 comments: 0category:

I've been put on a committee at Presbytery level to look at how our Presbytery can work in a better way to promote and facilitate our congregations .Here's an extract from the paper I'm writing. Any comments will be gratefully received. The above picture gives another meaning to cathedral. Making Presbytery a place of inspiration… This paper is not meant to be aimed at any one person in leadership within Falkirk Presbytery. It is my general thoughts about...
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