23 Sep 2012 comments:
Having visited the Korean Presbyterian Church General Assemblies its now time to begin to reflect on the experience and write from time to time about the differences and also what can be shared cross-culturally for the benefit of both our churches and also the world church.
One very interesting area of empowerment I've notice is the role that has been given to the theological students. Over the past few days they have acted as our hosts, sitting with us from time to...
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20 Sep 2012 comments:
South Korea is a country with a past steeped in suffering. It's a past in which Scotland has been involved.The catastrophic Korean War, which was essential a civil war brought about by external forces (the confrontation between Communism and Capitalism) left the country a divided wasteland. This was the first intervention of a United Nations force, involving US, UK, Australia, in total twenty nations contributed to the allies. Literally, over a million people lost their...
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19 Sep 2012 comments:
There are two Presbyterian Church denominations in Korea. One is called, The Presbyterian Church of Korea , the other is called the The Presbyterian Church of the Republic of Korea. Both churches share the same heritage, but split over a theological issue in the 1960s. Today the relationships between both of these churches is a good one, both of their Assemblies are running concurrently, and are celebrating their joint 100 year heritage.
As Moderator I've been invited...
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17 Sep 2012 comments:
When Friday morning came it was off to Papa Westray. I had received a text message the night before advising me that the winds might prevent the plane from landing at Papa Westray. However It was full steam ahead on Friday morning the winds had died down. The night before there had been an 135mph gale blowing. As I was driven to the airport skies were clear. This is an unusual flight. The whole trip takes about 15 mins however it allows another two minutes to fly...
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15 Sep 2012 comments:
I arrived back in Orkney on Thursday morning. It all seems a bit of a dream. I guess it's because you are moving from one meeting tithe next. This was the day to meet the Convener of the Council Stephen Heddle and the Depute Chief Executive Leslie Manson. I believe meetings like these are very important. it gives me as Moderator an opportunity to explain the possible partnerships that can be developed between Church and Council. this proved to be a very productive...
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