28 Aug 2012 comments:
Monday morning 27 August.
We had just finished breakfast, Martha looked at me and said, " its quarter to nine,they'll be here soon! " at that moment the door bell rang from then on in I knew these people are serious, organised, and ready to get on with their work. i refer to Crossreach, the Church of Scotland's social care Charity. For the next week we're going to be visiting a whole range of programmes and projects which employ collectively over 2,000 members of...
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9 Jul 2012 comments:
Let me continue with last week's story this week. Hopefully, I'll catch up with the rest of this week in a day or two. You can imagine that there is a tremendous amount of planning that goes into a Royal Service at the Cathedral. I must pay tribute to all the people who participated from the police to the Cathedral staff. Bill Shedden the Cathedral Beadle was particularly helpful to me on the day. We got on well especially, when we discovered we had lived around the...
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1 Jul 2012 comments:
What an amazing day we experienced on Friday. This of course was Martha's day. She was the one being honoured by our community as she crowned the Bo'ness Fair Queen.It all started with a pipe band marching into our driveway. When was the last time someone said to you, "Look there's a pipe band playing in your driveway?"
For those of you who have no knowledge of this event. It is now accepted to be the biggest childrens' Fair of its kind in Europe. This town knows...
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3 Jun 2012 comments:
What a brilliant afternoon I had as a guest of Cardinal O'Brien and the Catholic Church at the launch of the Caritas Award Ceremony. The invitation came to me from the Scottish Catholic Education Service. Over 3,000 people packed into the Clyde Auditorium to watch 450 teenagers receive their Caritas Award. This award has come about as part of an attempt to keep alive the memory of the Pope's visit to Scotland in 2010.
It was a great afternoon hearing how...
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22 Mar 2012 comments:
[youtube][/youtube]Here's an interesting story that's going around the internet. Dave Carroll a country and western singer had his guitar badly damaged while travelling on a United Airlines flight. When he tried to claim the company they refused to listen to his story, gave him a hard time and dismissed his claim as not eligible. Well Dave was so insensed that he wrote a song, put it on YouTube and 11 million hits later United...
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